We guarantee 99.9% server uptime.
If you are not completely satisfied with our services within the refund time period specified for your plan, you will be given a full refund of the contract amount excluding setup fees and overages.
We provide 24/7 U.S Based customer support.
7 day 24 hour U.S Based e-mail and ticket support.
We help you to get started on the net and we will provide the support you need to succeed.
If you are transferring from another virtual private server provider, then we will help you to make sure the process is easy and fast.
Your Linux VPS are deployed in just 5 minutes.
Your Windows VPS are deployed in just 10 minutes.
Our HUGE, fully-redundant, ultra-fast network multiple 10 Gbps connections to the World's best network service providers (no over-sold bandwidth, ever!)
“Excellent company have helped me with all my doubts,their support is excellent, I highly recommend them“